The former approach to set up a visitable mock objects with macros needs few lines of code and works fine if you do everything right.
But a big disadvantage is the fact that it is really hard to find compiler errors as all messages refer to the same line. For the same reason it is almost impossible to use a debugger and step through the code and follow the execution path.
A better solution is the use of mock methods. They act similar to the code behind the macros but are based on templates. There are only little changes. Most of the work is it to provide some forwarder methods.
Include the additonal top level header:
#include <mockpp/CountedVisitableMethod.h>
Instead of providing the members wrapped in macros add the mock method objects.
class VisitMock : public Interface , public VisitableMockObject { public: VisitMock() : VisitableMockObject("VisitMock", 0) , open_mocker("open", this) , read_mocker("read", this) , write_mocker("write", this) , close_mocker("close", this) , calculate_mocker("calculate", this) {}
Implementing the methods within the mock object is easy as they only forward to their mock method object.
void open(const std::string &filename) { open_mocker.forward(filename); } std::string read() { return read_mocker.forward(); }
If you intend to use constraints to make your tests less strict you need to add an overloaded method which forwards the constraint object. Note that this method may only be called in record mode and never returns a value.
unsigned calculate(unsigned input) { return calculate_mocker.forward(input); } void calculate(const ConstraintHolder<unsigned> &ch) { calculate_mocker.forward(ch); }
To finally complete the class definition you have to declare the mock methods.
VisitableMockMethod<void, std::string> open_mocker; VisitableMockMethod<std::string> read_mocker; VisitableMockMethod<void, std::string> write_mocker; VisitableMockMethod<void> close_mocker; VisitableMockMethod<unsigned, unsigned> calculate_mocker;
Now as everything is prepared you set up the behaviour. This happens almost exactly as before when using macros. Instead of using a controller object you use the mock methods directly. For convenience, in case you have rather long names as in the example, you can use a reference as well.
VisitMock mock; VisitableMockMethod<std::string> &reader (mock.read_mocker); VisitableMockMethod<unsigned, unsigned> &calcer (mock.calculate_mocker);
The actual setup is done with exactly the same methods as before with the macros."file1.lst");;;; mock.close(); reader.addReturnValue("record-1"); reader.addReturnValue("record-2"); reader.addReturnValue("record-3");
visitmock2.cpp contains the complete source code.