File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
AbstractDynamicChainingMock.h [code]
AbstractExpectation.h [code]Base class for expectations
AbstractExpectationCollection.h [code]Check collections of expectations
AbstractInvocationDispatcher.h [code]Base class for invocation dispatchers
And.h [code]Logical and of two constraints
AnyArgumentsMatcher.h [code]Matches any arguments
ArgumentsMatchBuilder.h [code]
ArgumentsMatchBuilderN.h [code]
ArgumentsMatcher.h [code]
Asserter.cpp [code]Handle assertions
Asserter.h [code]Handle assertions
AssertionFailedError.cpp [code]Signal failed assertions
AssertionFailedError.h [code]Signal failed assertions
AssertMo.cpp [code]Handle assertions of mock objects
AssertMo.h [code]Handle assertions of mock objects
AutoPointer.h [code]
BuilderNamespace.cpp [code]Interface class to build a namespace
BuilderNamespace.h [code]
CallStub.h [code]Stub calling a functor
ChainableMockMethod.h [code]Chainable Mock Methods based on templates
ChainableMockMethod0.h [code]Chainable Mock Method with 0 parameters
ChainableMockMethod1.h [code]Chainable Mock Method with 1 parameters
ChainableMockMethod2.h [code]Chainable Mock Method with 2 parameters
ChainableMockMethod3.h [code]Chainable Mock Method with 3 parameters
ChainableMockMethod4.h [code]Chainable Mock Method with 4 parameters
ChainableMockMethod5.h [code]Chainable Mock Method with 5 parameters
ChainableMockMethod6.h [code]Chainable Mock Method with 6 parameters
ChainableMockObject.cpp [code]MockObjects with chained setup parameters
ChainableMockObject.h [code]MockObjects that can be chained under control
ChainableMockObject_macro.h [code]
ChainingMockBuilder.h [code]Build chaining mock objects
ChainingMockObjectSupport.cpp [code]Simplify handling of some constraints
ChainingMockObjectSupport.h [code]Simplify handling of some constraints
Constraint.h [code]Base class for argument constraints
ConstraintHolder.h [code]
ConstraintList.h [code]Check list of constraints
ConstraintSet.cpp [code]
ConstraintSet.h [code]
ConstraintSetN.h [code]
CoreMock.h [code]
CountedChainableMethod.h [code]
CountedVisitableMethod.h [code]
CountParameters.h [code]
CustomStub.h [code]Base class for application-specific stubs
CxxTestRunner.h [code]Run tests based on CXXTEST_NS::TestRunner
CxxTestSupport.h [code]Support for CxxTest similar to CppUnit
DefaultResultStub.h [code]Stub return default value
DynamicChainingMock.h [code]
DynamicChainingMockError.h [code]
Exception.cpp [code]Base class for MockObject exceptions
Exception.h [code]Base class for MockObject exceptions
Expectation.h [code]Abstract interface for expectations
ExpectationBoundary.h [code]Check for expected value boundaries
ExpectationConglomeration.h [code]Check sets of conglomerations
ExpectationCounter.cpp [code]Check range of of expected calls
ExpectationCounter.h [code]Check range of of expected calls
ExpectationList.h [code]Check list of expectations
ExpectationMap.h [code]Check maps of expectations
ExpectationSegment.h [code]Check expectations for substrings
ExpectationSet.h [code]Check sets of expectations
ExpectationValue.h [code]Check for expected values
FIFOInvocationDispatcher.h [code]
Formatter.cpp [code]Support formatting of strings
Formatter.h [code]Support formatting of strings
IdentityBuilder.cpp [code]
IdentityBuilder.h [code]
Invocation.cpp [code]Base class for invocations
Invocation.h [code]
InvocationDispatcher.h [code]
InvocationMatcher.h [code]
InvocationMocker.h [code]
InvocationMockerBuilder.h [code]
InvocationN.h [code]
Invokable.h [code]
InvokeAtLeastMatcher.cpp [code]Matches an invocation count of at least x
InvokeAtLeastMatcher.h [code]Matches an invocation count of at least x
InvokeAtLeastOnceMatcher.cpp [code]Matches an invocation count of at least 1
InvokeAtLeastOnceMatcher.h [code]Matches an invocation count of at least 1
InvokeAtMostMatcher.cpp [code]Matches an invocation count of at most x
InvokeAtMostMatcher.h [code]Matches an invocation count of at most x
InvokeCountMatcher.cpp [code]Matches a defined invocation count
InvokeCountMatcher.h [code]Matches a defined invocation count
InvokedAfterMatcher.h [code]Matches an invocation after another invocation
InvokedBeforeMatcher.h [code]Matches an invocation before another invocation
InvokedRecorder.cpp [code]Base class for invocation count matchers
InvokedRecorder.h [code]
InvokeOnceMatcher.cpp [code]Matches an invocation count of exact 1
InvokeOnceMatcher.h [code]Matches an invocation count of exact 1
IsAnything.cpp [code]Constraint which is always true
IsAnything.h [code]Constraint which is always true
IsCloseTo.h [code]Checks if the value is close to a reference
IsEqual.h [code]Checks if the argument is equal to the referenced value
IsGreaterOrEqual.h [code]Checks if the argument is greater or equal
IsGreaterThan.h [code]Checks if the argument is greater
IsInstanceOf.h [code]Checks if the argument is a derived object
IsLessOrEqual.h [code]Checks if the argument is less or equal
IsLessThan.h [code]Checks if the argument is less than the reference
IsNot.h [code]Negates the result of another constraint
IsNothing.cpp [code]Constraint which is never true
IsNothing.h [code]Constraint which is never true
IsSame.h [code]Checks if the argument is the same as the referenced value
LIFOInvocationDispatcher.h [code]
MatchBuilder.h [code]
MatcherHolder.h [code]
MixedMockObject.cpp [code]MockObject that merges all the advanced mock objects
MixedMockObject.h [code]MockObject that merges all the advanced mock objects
MockObject.cpp [code]Base class for mock objects
MockObject.h [code]Base class for mock objects
mockpp.cpp [code]Common stuff for mockpp project
mockpp.h [code]Common stuff for mockpp project
mockpp_dbc.h [code]Basic support for "Design By Contract"
mockpp_production.h [code]Support in production code
mockpp_pti.h [code]Support for compilers with weak template capabilities
MockTimeServer.cpp [code]Mock time dependent objects
MockTimeServer.h [code]Time dependent objects
NoArgumentsMatcher.h [code]Matches invocations with exactly no arguments
NotImplementedException.cpp [code]Exception for not implemented stuff
NotImplementedException.h [code]Exception for not implemented stuff
OnConsecutiveCalls.h [code]
Or.h [code]Logical or of two constraints
OutBound.h [code]Passes a value back via a reference (outbound value)
RandomStub.h [code]Stub returning a random value
ResponseVector1.h [code]
ResponseVector2.h [code]
ResponseVector3.h [code]
ResponseVector4.h [code]
ResponseVector5.h [code]
ResponseVector6.h [code]
ReturnAndCallStub.h [code]Stub returning a defined value and calling a functor
ReturnAndTriggerStub.h [code]Stub returning a defined value and triggering contraints
ReturnObjectList.h [code]Handle returned objects
ReturnObjectListStub.h [code]Stub returning a list of defined values
ReturnStub.h [code]Stub returning a defined value
stub/ReturnValueAndCall.h [code]
ReturnValueAndCall.h 1499 2010-01-03 17:05:29Z ewald-arnold
chaining/ReturnValueAndCall.h [code]Creates a stub returning a value and calling a functor
ReturnValueAndTrigger.h [code]Generated with
SelectUnittestFramework.h [code]
SelfDescribing.cpp [code]Interface class for self describing objects
SelfDescribing.h [code]Interface class for self describing objects
StatelessInvocationMatcher.h [code]
StringContains.h [code]Checks the occurrence of a substring
StringEndsWith.h [code]Checks the occurrence of a substring at the end
StringStartsWith.h [code]Checks the occurrence of a substring at the beginning
Stub.h [code]
StubBuilder.h [code]
StubHolder.h [code]
StubMatchersCollection.h [code]
StubSequence.h [code]Stub returning a limited sequence of values
TestFailureMatcher.cpp [code]Always matches and throws an exception
TestFailureMatcher.h [code]Always matches and throws an exception
TestFailureStub.h [code]Stub always throwing an AssertionFailedError
Throwable.cpp [code]Support throwing exceptions
Throwable.h [code]Support throwing exceptions
ThrowableList.cpp [code]Support throwing lists of exceptions
ThrowableList.h [code]Support throwing lists of exceptions
ThrowStub.h [code]Stub throwing a defined exception
TimeServer.cpp [code]Time dependent objects
TimeServer.h [code]Time dependent objects
TrackingCounter.cpp [code]Track occurrences based on a shared counter
TrackingCounter.h [code]Track occurrences based on a shared counter
TriggeredConstraint.h [code]Base class for triggered or defered constraints
TriggeredOutbound.h [code]Passes a value back via a reference (Outbound value)
TriggerStub.h [code]Stub triggering contraints
TypelessConstraint.cpp [code]
TypelessConstraint.h [code]
TypelessMatcher.cpp [code]Base class for typeless invocation matchers
TypelessMatcher.h [code]
TypelessStub.h [code]
TypelessStubSequence.h [code]Stub returning a limited sequence of values
UnlimitedMatcher.cpp [code]Matches always
UnlimitedMatcher.h [code]Matches always
Verifiable.cpp [code]Abstract interface for verifiables
Verifiable.h [code]Abstract interface for verifiables
VerifiableList.cpp [code]Collection of verifiables
VerifiableList.h [code]A collection of verifiables
VerifyingTestCaller.cpp [code]Unit testcaller with verification
VerifyingTestCaller.h [code]Unit VerifyingTestCaller with verification
VerifyingTestCase.cpp [code]Unit testcase with verification
VerifyingTestCase.h [code]Unit testcase with verification
VisitableMockMethod.cpp [code]MockObjects that can be visited under control
VisitableMockMethod.h [code]Visitable Mock Methods based on templates
VisitableMockMethod0.h [code]Visitable Mock Method with 0 parameters
VisitableMockMethod1.h [code]Visitable Mock Method with 1 parameters
VisitableMockMethod2.h [code]Visitable Mock Method with 2 parameters
VisitableMockMethod3.h [code]Visitable Mock Method with 3 parameters
VisitableMockMethod4.h [code]Visitable Mock Method with 4 parameters
VisitableMockMethod5.h [code]Visitable Mock Method with 5 parameters
VisitableMockMethod6.h [code]Visitable Mock Method with 6 parameters
VisitableMockObject.cpp [code]MockObjects that can be visited under control
VisitableMockObject.h [code]MockObjects that can be visited under control
VisitableMockObject_macro.h [code]
VisitableMockObject_template.h [code]
VoidStub.cpp [code]Stub for void methods
VoidStub.h [code]Stub for void methods
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Generated on Tue Jan 5 09:49:18 2010 for mockpp by  doxygen 1.6.1