Solution 1: Basic Mock Objects

The first solution will use basic mock objects to express the needed expectations. Additionally there is a container object to hold and verify all those tiny mock objects. The container must inherit from the Interface class as well as from the root of all more advanced mock objects MockObject :

class BasicMock : public Interface
                , public MockObject

In the next step the constructor is added which also initializes all sub-expectations. All objects should get a meaningful name to identify them in debug output when errors occur. Additionally they are registered with the container mock object. It might be a good idea to use some kind of hierarchical naming scheme to identify the sub-objects within the surrounding container object as shown below.

      : MockObject("BasicMock", 0)
      , open_name("BasicMock/open_name", this)
      , close_counter("BasicMock/close_counter", this)
      , write_data("BasicMock/write_data", this)
      , read_data("BasicMock/read_data", this)

Every call to one of the methods will be checked by an adequate expectation type. Depending on your personal taste you can simply use public member variables or hide them and offer getter and setter methods.

To verify the calls to open() a ExpectationList is used. This way all the actual values are checked against the expectations one after the other. As a side effect the total number of calls to open() is verified since the count of actual and expected values have to be equal.

    ExpectationList<std::string> open_name;

    virtual void open(const std::string &name)

The implementation of method read() needs a different approach. To return a predefined set of values an object of type ReturnObjectList is used. And again the additional benefit is the fact that the total number of calls must equal the number of return values.

    ReturnObjectList<std::string> read_data;

    virtual std::string read()
      return read_data.nextReturnObject();

A third alternative is chosen to to verify the correct number of calls to close(). Since there are no parameters or return values the only possibility is to take ExpectationCounter .

    ExpectationCounter close_counter;

    virtual void close()

Once the mock object is implemented you have to set up the desired behaviour.

The expected program flow covers 2 calls to open(): 1 for reading and 1 for writing. Each time with the same filename. Unfortunately there is no simple way to distinguish between the different calls to open() in the read and write sequence.

So 2 expected parameter values for calls to open() are added:

    BasicMock mock;


Next you have to provide the appropriate number of return values for the read() method. They are added in the expected order to the ReturnObjectList :


While processing the records a method calculate is invoked several times. Since the input can't be determined exactly a ConstraintList is used which verifies similar to a ExpectationList but on the base of a mean amount and a delta value.


The number of calls to close() must equal the calls to open() . For that reason the according ExpectationCounter is set to 2:


The set up code is completed with the expectations for the calls to write() . The expected parameter values are added in the expected order:


All the expectations for the mock object are complete. The methods under test are invoked in the order of the production code. If any expectations are missed an exception is thrown which should be caught and displayed.

    Consumer consumer(&mock);
  catch(std::exception &ex)
    std::cout << std::endl
              << "Error occured.\n" << ex.what() << std::endl
              << std::endl;

There is one important thing remaining: there is no simple way to automatically detect missing actual values. The only possibility is to verify manually after the test calls are done. The call of verify() in the container mock object will then trigger the verification of all its sub-objects.


basicmock.cpp contains the complete source code.

Next: Solution 2a: Visitable Mock Objects With Macros

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 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Friends Defines

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